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Staff List
First Name | Surname | Subject/Responsibility | |
Andrew | Abaidoo | Maths Teacher | aabaidoo@elthamhill.com |
Andreia | Abba | Food & Textiles Technician | aabba@elthamhill.com |
Ambili | Abraham | Science Teacher | aabraham@elthamhill.com |
Cherine | Adjaye | English Teacher | cadjaye@elthamhill.com |
Rahima | Ahmed | Administration and Data Assistant | rahmed@elthamhill.com |
Ginoni | Anand | Maths Teacher | ganand@elthamhill.com |
Nicole | Asiwe | Lead Practitioner Chemistry | nasiwe@elthamhill.com |
Abdul | Aziz | Geography Teacher /D of E Coordinator | aaziz@elthamhill.com |
Dianah | Baker | Assistant Headteacher (Post-16 and wider curriculum) | dbaker@elthamhill.com |
Michelle | Blakey | Examinations Officer | mblakey@elthamhill.com |
Thoedore | Botchway | Maths Teacher | tbotchway@elthamhill.com |
Wendy | Brasnell | Wellbeing Practitioner | wbrasnell@elthamhill.com |
Kelly | Brooke | Midday Supervisor | KBrooke@elthamhill.com |
Paul | Campion | Science Teacher | pcampion@elthamhill.com |
Kim | Clarke | Teaching Assistant | kclarke@etlhamhill.com |
Lionel | Cloarec | Curriculum Leader - Languages | lcloarec@elthamhill.com |
Megan | Cobley | PE Teacher | mcobley@elthamhill.com |
Jenny | Copeland | Finance Manager | jcopeland@elthamhill.com |
Jessica | Costa | English Teacher / Head of Year 9 | Jcosta@elthamhill.com |
Erin | Cunningham | Librarian | ecunningham@elthamhill.com |
Lana-Maria | David | Student Walfare Assistant | ldavid@elthamhill.com |
Victoria | Delaney | Deputy Headteacher/(Teaching and Learning) | vdelaney@elthamhill.com |
Alex | Dottridge | Lead Practitioner for Music | adottridge@elthamhill.com |
Nathalie | Drysdale | French Teacher/FLA | ndrysdale@elthamhill.com |
Emmanuel | Dzontoh | Lead Practitioner Physics | edzontoh@elthamhill.com |
Ashley | Elder | Safeguarding & Wellbeing Lead | aelder@elthamhill.com |
Andrew | Farish | Drama Teacher | afarish@elthamhill.com |
Maxine | Ferguson | Deputy Headteacher/(Curriculum and Inclusions) | mferguson@elthamhill.com |
Karan | Flaherty | MRO/Admin/Finance Assistant | kflaherty@elthamhill.com |
Dave | Foley | Facilities and Infrastructure Management Lead | dfoley@elthamhill.com |
Claire | Gill | Textiles Teacher | cgill@elthamhill.com |
Karen | Hartnell | Administrative Assistant/Receptionist | khartnell@elthamhill.com |
Paul | Heffer | Deputy Facilities Manager | pheffer@elthamhill.com |
Alex | Henderson | Science Technician | ahenderson@elthamhill.com |
Stacey | Hillsden | Subject Lead for Media Studies | shillsden@elthamhill.com |
Laura | Holmes | Art Technician | laholmes@elthamhill.com |
Katy | Howes | PE Teacher / Deputy Head of Year 10 | khowes@elthamhill.com |
Ian | Humphreys | Deputy Facilities Manager | ihumphreys@elthamhill.com |
Caroline | Hurley | Assistant Headteacher | churley@elthamhill.com |
Yetunde | Johnson | Computer Science Teacher | yjohnson@elthamhill.com |
Helen | Jones | Lead Practitioner PE | hjones@elthamhill.com |
Emma | Jordan | Human Resources Manager | ejordan@elthamhill.com |
Misha | Kenny | Deputy Curriculum Leader - English | mkenny@elthamhill.com |
Clare | Key | Subject Leader for Product Design | ckey@elthamhill.com |
Jack | Knightley | Geography Teacher / Head of Year 13 | jknightley@elthamhill.com |
Jyoti | Ladwa | Senior Science Technician | jladwa@elthamhill.com |
Emma | Lake | Science Teacher | elake@elthamhill.com |
Caroline | Lansiquot | Lead Practitioner for Geography | clansiquot@elthamhill.com |
Cathie | Lee | Midday Supervisor | clee@elthamhill.com |
Vishakha | Manocha | Maths Teacher / Raising Standards Leader for Maths | vmanocha@elthamhill.com |
Lyndsey | March | Subject Leader for Sociology | lmarch@elthamhill.com |
Christine | Marshall | Midday Supervisor | N/A |
Debbie | Marshall | HR Assistant | dmarshall@elthamhill.com |
Aaron | Mather | Music Teacher | amather@elthamhill.com |
Nicola | Mayell | Office Manager | nmayell@elthamhill.com |
Kelly | McManus | Midday Supervisor | N/A |
James | McPhun | English Teacher | jmcphun@elthamhill.com |
Shannen | Meadows | Subject Leader for Psychology / Head of Year 12 | smeadows@elthamhill.com |
Katherine | Mee | Curriculum Leader for English & Media | kmee@elthamhill.com |
Victoria | Mills | History Teacher / HACO KS3/4 | vmills@elthamhill.com |
Bhavna | Mistry | Attendance and Welfare Assistant | bmistry@elthamhill.com |
Karen | Montague-Cook | Higher Level Teaching Assistant (Diversity & Integration) | kmontaguecook@elthamhill.com |
Diane | Mullins | Safeguarding & Wellbeing | dmullins@elthamhill.com |
Mariana | Musa | Attendance and Student Services Manager | mmusa@elthamhill.com |
Liam | Nicholson | SEND Administrator | lnicholson@elthamhill.com |
Claudette | Noel | Lead Practitioner for Religious Studies | cnoel@elthamhill.com |
Wilfred | Nsofor | Lead Practitioner for Computer Science | wnsofor@elthamhill.com |
Thomas | Nyaku | Deputy Curriculum Leader for Maths | tnyaku@elthamhill.com |
Ulka | O'Brien | Curriculum Leader for Global Analysis (Humanities) | uobrien@elthamhill.com |
Noelle | O'Kelly | Deputy Headteacher/(Standards, Assessment & Reporting) | nokelly@elthamhill.com |
Humphrey | Okagbare | Assistant Head Teacher | hokagbare@elthamhill.com |
Kwaku | Opoku-Ware | Science Teacher | kopoku-ware@elthamhill.com |
Rosie | Osborne | Acting Assistant Headteacher (Extended School and Student Development) | rosborne@elthamhill.com |
Judith | Parke | English Teacher | jparke@elthamhill.com |
Alice | Pascual | Art Teacher | apascual@elthamhill.com |
Alison | Patel | English Teacher | apatel@elthamhill.com |
Jaime | Phipps | Drama Teacher | jphipps@elthamhill.com |
Erika | Podmore | Head Teacher | epodmore@elthamhill.com |
Callie | Pollard | Dance and P.E. Teacher | cpollard@elthamhill.com |
Elaine | Potter | Communication, Resources and Marketing Manager | epotter@elthamhill.com |
Ellie | Power | English Teacher / Deputy Head of Year 8 | epower@elthamhill.com |
Sarah | Rackley | Geography Teacher / Head of Year 7 | srackley@elthamhill.com |
Neena | Ranshi | Wellbeing Practitioner | nranshi@elthamhill.com |
Ben | Read | Teaching, Learning and Assessment Lead | bread@elthamhill.com |
Donna | Rickwood | Deputy SENCO (AMBDA/APC) | drickwood@elthamhill.com |
Carys | Riches | English Teacher | criches@elthamhill.com |
Xanjo | Robinson | History Teacher / Deputy Head of Year 7 | xrobinson@elthamhill.com |
Rebekka | Ross | Food Studies Subject Lead | rross@elthamhill.com |
Emma | Ruffles | Lead Practitioner Textiles | eruffles@elthamhill.com |
Alicia | Ruiz-Gamarro | Spanish Teacher/FLA | aruiz-gamarro@elthamhill.com |
Barry | Ryan | LP for Biology | bryan@elthamhill.com |
Emma | Sales | Deputy Curriculum Leader - English / Whole Leader for Literacy | esales@elthamhill.com |
Rita | Sarafian | Design & Technology Technician | rsarafian@elthamhill.com |
Harpreet | Singh | Science Teacher | hsingh@elthamhill.com |
Maria Jose de la calla | Sierra | Subject Leader Spanish | msierra@elthamhill.com |
Joanne | Smith | Director of Resources | jsmith@elthamhill.com |
Faye | Smyth | Wellbeing Practitioner | fsmyth@elthamhill.com |
Bola | Sofela | Data Assessment and Reporting Manager | bsofela@elthamhill.com |
Adefoluke | Sojirin | Maths Teacher | asojirin@elthamhill.com |
Lucy | Spencer | Curriculum Leader - Inclusion (SENDCo) | lspencer@elthamhill.com |
Claire | Sutton | Curriculum Leader for Human Understanding | csutton@elthamhill.com |
Fatma | Taha | Maths Teacher / Deputy Head of Year 9 | ftaha@elthamhill.com |
Nabs | Taibi | EVC/Cover Manager | ytaibi@elthamhill.com |
Heather | Taylor | History Teacher / Head of Year 11 | htaylor@elthamhill.com |
Ian | Thomson | PE Teacher / Head of Year 8 | ithomson@elthamhill.com |
Karen | Thorne | Administrative Assistant/Receptionist | kthorne@elthamhill.com |
Isobel | Tooher | Maths Teacher / Head of Year 9 | itooher@elthamhill.com |
Nina | Tolleret | MFL Teacher | ntolleret@elthamhill.com |
Jenny | Tulloch | Receptionist | jtulloch@elthamhill.com |
Sarah | Turner | Curriculum Leader Design & Creation | sturner@elthamhill.com |
Sylvie | Valere-Wanogho | MFL Teacher | svalere@elthamhill.com |
Gabriella | Veysey | Physics Teacher / Raising Standards | gveysey@elthamhill.com |
Debbie | Wakeling | Cover Supervisor | dwakeling@elthamhill.com |
Katherine | Walker | Science Technician | kwalker@elthamhill.com |
Nadia | Ward | English Teacher / Leader for Oracy | nward@elthamhill.com |
Nain | Wassamba Wabelua | Human Sciences Teacher | nwassamba@elthamhill.com |
Elizabeth | Waterhouse | PE Teacher / Head of Year 10 | ewaterhouse@elthamhill.com |
Daniel | Watson | Science Teacher / HACO KS4/5 | dwatson@elthamhill.com |
Polly | White | Deputy Headteacher / Behaviour, Safeguarding & Inclusion (DSL) | pwhite@elthamhill.com |
Joanna | Whittington | Curriculum Leader Performance | jwhittington@elthamhill.com |
Tanya | Williams-Campbell | Post 16 Student Support Manager | twilliams-campbell@elthamhill.com |
Lexie | Wiseman | Professional Development Lead / Teacher of Maths | lwiseman@elthamhill.com |
Anab | Yusuf | Health Social Care Teacher | ayusuf@elthamhill.com |
Allison | Zionts | Lead Practitioner Health & Social Care | azionts@elthamhill.com |