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Attendance and Student Welfare Manager: Mariana musa

Our expectation is that students should maintain at least 97% attendance, this gives them the opportunity to reach their full potential, not fall behind and achieve the highest exam results possible.

Just a reminder of procedures around absence:

  • If your child is really too ill to attend school, you must leave a message on the Student Absence Line on the day of absence (School number, press 1) Before 8am

  • You must leave a message for every day of absence.  This is for safeguarding purposes (in case you have sent your child to school and we can then notify you if they have not arrived for any reason)

  • Future absences or medical appointments can be emailed to attendance@elthamhill.greenwich.sch.uk with a photo of the appointment letter or by just forwarding any confirmation emails. Please try to give us as much notice as possible and make non-urgent appointments out of school hours wherever you can

  • Students are expected to attend before or after appointments, a full day of absence can not be authorised unless there is a valid reason

We are very proud of our high attendance results at Eltham Hill, it shows just how dedicated our students are, that they enjoy coming to school and that they realise the importance of attending to achieve!

Student Absence

Attendance and Punctuality Guide for Parents 

Attendance Newsletter 

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