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GCSE Results 2021
For the second year running our Year 11 students and their families have been faced with unprecedented challenges, both in terms of their education and beyond. This year following the cancellation of exams, the GCSE grades were approved and awarded by the exam boards after evidence was submitted alongside teacher assessed grades. Our students sat lots of exams in school and worked exceptionally hard with their teachers to achieve the best possible outcomes, so we are delighted they have been rewarded with such fantastic results.
Our students’ attainment at grades 9-7 and grades 9-5 has increased significantly in 18 GCSE subjects. We are particularly pleased with results in eight subjects where over half of all the students taking those subjects achieved grades 7-9! They are GCSE PE with 68% of grades at 9-7, Drama 63%, Computer Science 60%, Spanish 59%, Media 57%, Philosophy and Ethics 55% and Sociology 53%.
Our English results continue to be significantly above average with 81% of students achieving grades 9-5 and 47% achieving grades 9-7. With our Maths 9-5 results at 77% and 9-7 at 33% we have also seen a 10% rise in the number of students achieving a 5 or above in English and Maths combined.
We are proud to note that many of our students achieve the very top grades. This year 22 of our students achieved 9 or more 9-7 grades, 34% of our students achieved 5 or more 9-7 grades and 46% achieved 3 or more 9-7 grades. Particularly impressive sets of results were recorded by Ella Goodwin, Charis Gruber and Madison Williams who all achieved 9 grade 9s and one grade 8, Sarah Adeniyi who achieved 9 grade 9s and one grade 7 and by Aarya Chitnis and Charlotte Biro who both achieved 8 grade 9s and two grade 8s.
Students taking BTEC qualifications also did exceptionally well with a 100% pass rate, 33% of students achieving Distinction and 67% achieving a Merit or better.
We would like to congratulate all our students who worked so hard to achieve their best. Thank you to our parents too who have worked with us to support their daughters throughout this difficult and disruptive year and to our teachers who have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto further education and study. We look forward to welcoming many of our students back in September when they start their A Level or IBCP courses in our high performing 6th form.