ITV Visit Eltham Hill for Consent Workshop
A small number of sixth form students participated in a 2-hour consent programme delivered by Shout Out UK. The following topics were covered during the session:
- Consent and the Law
- Myth busting around gender stereotypes and victim-blaming
- Online sexual harassment
- Policies & recommendations through a participatory prism
Following the tragic murders of Sarah Everard and Sabina Nessa, these kinds of issues are particularly important to explore with our young people, and this is what prompted the creation of the programme.
ITV also joined us during this 2-hour session to film the discussions that took place as part of a project they are currently working on.
Here is what one of our students though about the project:
It was very educational and useful specifically for some of our male students who were uninformed about these issues. For female students we are more aware of these issues as we are more affected by them. I think everyone in the sixth form should have the opportunity to take part in this training - Wiktoria Zambrzycka Year 12
As a school we plan to roll this programme out to all students in the sixth form over the next year.